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The Rule

Rule for the Maltfriscans


Dear Children of the White Rose,

God has loved us with so much love that He gave his beloved Son to be our Saviour.  We see this love alive in Jesus and know that he too loves us and has given His life for us on the cross.

We accept Jesus, Son of God, who is now in the Father’s glory, as our Lord and Saviour; we entrust our lives to Him.

We are called especially to praise God’s love in Jesus.

We are called especially to obey the commandment of love.

Jesus says to us: “A new commandment I give you.  My own commandment I give you; as I have loved you, love one another.  By this shall all know you are my disciples, that you love one another.  This is my commandment, love one another.”

Because we have experienced the Father’s forgiveness, we are to be compassionate towards one another as our Father in heaven is compassionate…not to judge, not to criticise one another, always to forgive and to give generously.  In this way we will be children of the Most High God who is our Abba.

We are called to share the good news that we have learnt, bringing the love of Jesus to the hearts of all.  In this way we obey the Lord’s commandment: “Go to the whole world and spread the Good news.”

We follow the inspiration of Francis and Clare of Assisi who gave themselves in love to Jesus so that His love may be set free in them.

We recall the words of Jesus:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit:”

We accept everything we have and are as gifts of the Abba and strive to live in the gift of God’s merciful love.

“Blessed are the pure in heart:”

In our relationships we respect and cherish each other, body and soul, for love us sacred.

“Blessed are the meek:”

We choose to be obedient to the Rule, and in all that concerns the good order of our family, the Spiritual Guardian and those asked to exercise authority within the community.

In these ways we too give ourselves to Jesus, who in the depths of his heart, longs to love and to be loved.

Praise God.      Love one another.       Spread the Good news.


We meet together to praise God, to learn more about his word, and to love and serve each other.


We pray each day and read some of God’s word, so that we can learn to live by it, since Jesus tells us we live by every word that comes from God’s mouth.


We possess a Maltfriscan Cross and wear a sign of Christian witness daily.


We give ourselves in service to the mission of the Church and offer reverence and obedience to the local bishop.


We all meet together once a year with the Spiritual Guardian for the Chapter of Mats. This is the supreme council of the community

On the cross, Jesus entrusted his mother to every Christian home.  We learn and delight in her pure love and rejoice that Mary has chosen to be the mother of our family. We say a decade of the rosary each day for the community and the spread of God’s Kingdom.  In moments of parting or danger we ask her help: 

O Dear White Rose, whose petals enfold my heart,
draw me to the centre of your sweetness, Jesus.

Magnus es Domine et laudabilis valde.

©2022 by The Maltfriscans.

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